Friday, October 17, 2008

Breakfast in bed? Anyone...anyone???

In my opinion, Williams Sonoma has out done themselves yet again. Yes, the pan is very impressive. Little robust bubbles of filled goodness. Who dreams up this stuff?
Easily my heart belongs to these pumpkin and cream cheese filled pancakes that are made in this pan. These are gems of perfection. Just sitting here at my desk I can smell them and taste them and I want them! I am afraid to make them in case they aren't as dreamy as they are in my mind. Oh yeah, I don't have the pan.
Happy Cooking!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chocolate Lovers Paradise

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I have been busy. Lame excuse I know. But I do have one hell of a fantastic photo for you even though it isn't in focus. And no, I was not drinking at the time. That came after I opened the box.

Do you know what this is? No? It is the bestest gift anyone could ever give me. It is a box of fresh (well about a week old anyway) of Belgian chocolates straight from Gent.

Can you smell them?

Come on now, get a little closer, don't be shy!

Can you guess which one I ate first?

I have to tell you that I like me some chocolate. Yes I do. But this stuff, makes me love chocolate. When you first put these morsels in your mouth and that cream attacks your tongue and it is temporarily paralyzed by this heavenly flavor that is the best feeling ever. I just sit there and let it melt all the way in my mouth. Savoring every last bit of flavor I can. Licking my teeth, my gums and cheeks like a rat scurring for food. Okay, I think I just got a little out of hand but let me tell you what, if ever in Gent GET SOME CHOCOLATE!