What is up with the prunes people? Did they put prunes in everything way back when?

I bet you are wondering how to build a better body and conserve money all at the same time. Well, I have the answer for you right here.........

How can you start out by say that a banana is a fruit and end up telling me you can cook it and it becomes a vegetable? Curious minds want to know!

How can you start out by say that a banana is a fruit and end up telling me you can cook it and it becomes a vegetable? Curious minds want to know!

When I first saw this photo I couldn't tell what those large cones in the middle of the plates were. It is a powdered sugar cone! Umm, I am just going to take a stab at this and say that a HUGE cone of powdered sugar is not part of a healthy diet.

And this is where the cookbook took a turn for the worst........

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