Friday, October 17, 2008

Breakfast in bed? Anyone...anyone???

In my opinion, Williams Sonoma has out done themselves yet again. Yes, the pan is very impressive. Little robust bubbles of filled goodness. Who dreams up this stuff?
Easily my heart belongs to these pumpkin and cream cheese filled pancakes that are made in this pan. These are gems of perfection. Just sitting here at my desk I can smell them and taste them and I want them! I am afraid to make them in case they aren't as dreamy as they are in my mind. Oh yeah, I don't have the pan.
Happy Cooking!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chocolate Lovers Paradise

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I have been busy. Lame excuse I know. But I do have one hell of a fantastic photo for you even though it isn't in focus. And no, I was not drinking at the time. That came after I opened the box.

Do you know what this is? No? It is the bestest gift anyone could ever give me. It is a box of fresh (well about a week old anyway) of Belgian chocolates straight from Gent.

Can you smell them?

Come on now, get a little closer, don't be shy!

Can you guess which one I ate first?

I have to tell you that I like me some chocolate. Yes I do. But this stuff, makes me love chocolate. When you first put these morsels in your mouth and that cream attacks your tongue and it is temporarily paralyzed by this heavenly flavor that is the best feeling ever. I just sit there and let it melt all the way in my mouth. Savoring every last bit of flavor I can. Licking my teeth, my gums and cheeks like a rat scurring for food. Okay, I think I just got a little out of hand but let me tell you what, if ever in Gent GET SOME CHOCOLATE!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cookbook Tuesday - Bond Bread Cook Book

General Baking Co.

What can I say? I love bread!

I like the fact that if you have cookie cutters you can liven up the par-taaa! Don't make me bust out my automatic cookie gun!

It is difficult to tell from this old black and white photo but these are loaf bread cut outs.

Happy Cooking!

Cookbook Tuesday - Royal Fruit Gelatin Suggestions

Royal Baking Powder


I like how they named this "suggestions".

Why are we serving tomato juice and lemon gelatin to people we love?

Really now! Do they actually think that gelatin is the perfect setting for a charming woman? I know something with a high alcohol content makes me charming, not gelatin molds. Maybe we should add some vodka to the recipe above to get the party started!

This is a very interesting excerpt. And Lord am I ever thankful the "gay nineties" over! What with their high bicycles and Wasp-waists! Bring on the stretchy pants!

Happy Cooking!

Cookbook Tuesday - Bewley's Best Bakes Better & Some FunkyTown History

Bewley Mills
Fort Worth, TX
no copyright date

I fell in love with this cookbook because it is falling apart and I can tell that it baked up lots and lots of love every Sunday. This was purchased at an antique store in another state and I am tickled to death to know that I now own a little piece of Fort Worth history.

I would bow for you, I just made brownies, but my arm hurts.

Ladies, I posted this little piece of information for you! Because if you don't know how to bake correctly your cake is going to suck!

I haven't personally made this simple cake recipe but I think Gold Medal will work since Bewley's isn't in business any longer.

If you are in the mood for a little Fort Worth/Bewley Mills history check this out:

Bewley Mills Part 1

Bewley Mills Part 2

Happy Cooking!

Cookbook Tuesday - Treasured Recipes of the Old South

by Mrs. Marie Kimball

When I purchased this I didn't even open it up and rummage through the pages. I just liked the fact that some little rodent has taken a bite out of the pages and I thought that this must be a delicious little book! I have to admit that the recipes do sound appetizing; Kentucky Baked Ham with Raisins, Gloria's Glorified Tomatoes, Sour Cream Biscuits, and many more recipes filled with Southern goodness.
What caught my eye the most are the drawings. These are not politically correct by today's standards so don't yell at me.

Why is she wearing so many bows?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Take a Pause

Ummm, I ran out of disgusting cookbook recipes from the early 1900's. So, I get to scour the countryside this weekend (estate sales) looking for the perfect gross gelatin recipes that will bring my blog to life.

So, instead of posting recipes you will never use I am posting photos of a recent trip. I was in Santa Fe for four days and never took a photo there which was okay because I was enjoying the weather too much. If you are not living in DFW right now it is hotter than haddes there. But the one tourist trap on the way piqued my interest and I made everyone go.

If you have never been...I introduce you to Cadillac Ranch .

See ya'all next week!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cookbook Tuesdays - Healing Power of Carrot Juice

This brittle piece of paper was folded up inside the banana cookbook. I felt there were a couple of important points that were made in this document.

(This document was printed by the Natural Foods Institue and is not dated.)

Please pay particular close attention to paragraphs #2, 7 and Carrot Constipation Salad.

#2 - If only carrots could cure cancer......

#7 - Really now, do they need to compare our bathroom regularity to that of a horse or rabbit?

Ummm, is this one serving or 6 - am I supposed to eat all of this?

This concludes our carrot lesson today. Hope you have a regular or great day!

Cookbook Tuesdays (er Thursday) - Cooking with Dr Pepper

I chose this little gem for four reasons:

1). I like Dr Pepper

2). I like the Table of Contents

3). I like Dr Pepper

4). I like cookbooks

I wonder if Dave Ramsey and Al Gore know the budget and energy saving benefits of Dr Pepper?

I was also very intrigued by the Teenage Party. Check out the balloons and the tablecloth. They read, "I like you". A few of things wrong with this picture. #1 Teenagers don't like each other and #2 I think this is actually a "make out" party. #3 I wasn't invited to the party. I wish I had been invited but I wasn't born yet.

If you are not up on your Dr Pepper history or need a refresher, you can go here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Cookbook Tuesdays - Everyday Banana Recipes

How could I pass up this little gem of baking goodness? "Everyday Banana Recipes" was compliments of the Banana Distributing Co. New Orleans back in 1927. Now, bananas are okay in my book, but in this book, it just isn't so. Take a gander.........

What is up with the prunes people? Did they put prunes in everything way back when?

I bet you are wondering how to build a better body and conserve money all at the same time. Well, I have the answer for you right here.........

How can you start out by say that a banana is a fruit and end up telling me you can cook it and it becomes a vegetable? Curious minds want to know!

When I first saw this photo I couldn't tell what those large cones in the middle of the plates were. It is a powdered sugar cone! Umm, I am just going to take a stab at this and say that a HUGE cone of powdered sugar is not part of a healthy diet.

And this is where the cookbook took a turn for the worst........

And then I saw this and even though they gave a thorough description of how to take the fruit out of a banana peel this still sounds d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g.

This concludes our "Everyday Banana Recipes" lesson for today. See ya'all next week!

Cookbook Tuesdays - 10 Cakes.....

Cookbook Tuesdays
I have decided to let y'all in on a little secret. I collect cookbooks (gasp)! I really don't even have a good reason why. I just like the nostalgia and if they have color pictures it is a plus!
So, for our first installment I think it is only fitting that I introduce to you "10 Cakes Husbands Like Best". Now, I don't have a hubby so I have not personally tried any of these recipes and I think you have to have one to try them. (This little gem of baking knowledge may sit on the shelf awhile) I was not able to locate a date on this little gem but I am going to guess 1940-1950s. If you know the date I would greatly appreciate it because I would just like to know.

First, we have "Aunt Jenny" - and no, I didn't pick it because of her name. I like how positive she is when she says that you need to bake all 10 of these beauties to see which one wins with him. Like he is going to be the only one in the castle that will eat cake!

I am not going to share all of the recipes but I do have to share the titles of all of them.

1.Chocolate Rapture Cake
2.Spicy Prune Whip Cake - this is where I believe the cookbook took a wrong turn.

3.Marble Cake Supreme
4.Fudge Frosted Layer Cake
5."Happy Birthday" Coconut Cake
6.Twin Applesauce Loaves
7.Bonnie Butterscotch Cake
8.Triple-Tier Party Cake
9.Hawaiian Lei Cake
10.Marshmallow Devil's Food Cake

They all sound fairly edible except for the Spicy Prune Whip Cake.
Do you know of a horrible cake recipe? Let me know about it and I will post it on my blog so we all make sure to stay away from your cake at the potluck next time!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

This morning......

I opened the door to find this little fella waiting to greet me.